Thursday, October 27, 2011

Carolina Perez: Suicide - 11.45 % people die from suicide
Gabriel Mtz. - (ALSO) Suicide - AFSP - program helps prevent suicide.
Denell Jones - Being Active - leads to a better life style - excersising an hour a day will be considered staying active and having a better life style.
Andres - Suicide (AGAIN) -  36,000 people die by suicide every year - help suicide prevention by going to [insert suicide prevention link here]
Ulices - Suicide (once more...) - men more likley to commiot suicide - ages 15 to 24 - females 24 & below - suicide by firearms are 70% to 90% - female suicides by poisons is often
Ashley M - Teen Pregnancy - prevent by staying abstinent - graph: fetal loss 16% Live Births 56% Induced abortions 28%
Frida - Suicide prevention (here we go again) - every so & so min. someone dies by suicide and noone is there to stop it - women end their lives every 90 minutes - lowest suicide rates 1993 - 2000
Carolina Perez: Suicide - 11.45 % people die from suicide

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Jesse - "down in the dumps": emotions are gone / depressed. How people can make you feel this way.

Angelica Gallegos - suicide rates. 30% depression and some will attempt suicide.

Bianca - Anger - Stress caused by thinking too much about events occuring in the past and future. Depeneds how long you look at things. Different methods for calming self.

Enrique - Teen Pregnacy - it has decreased. teenagers must use safe sex. Teens watch TV and see that teen pregnacy is a bad thing.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Lura Sanchez - Suicide Prevention
Causes family and friends to break apart emotionally by the loss of their loved ones.
John Delarosa- Mind body Health
certain ecorsises

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Health Topic: GOVERNMENT FOOD CONTROL (how to eat healthy avoiding industrial chemicals)

The government does not entirely use ethics when it comes to healthy foods. The actions that are being taken upon America's farms just prove that these healthy food products are only to create a small profit from. Planes filled with tanks of pesticides have an effect on the agriculture, and it has been reported that some of those pesticide agents are used to kill off the seeds within the fruit, that way the consumers may not produce their own home-grown fruit. Overall, paying for fruits and vegetables at a local grocery store is  not entirely smart. Paying for fruits from a farmers market would be the recommended option to get quality fruits.
    When buying food items from a farmers market, you would also be following the "Gerson Therapy" 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

  • Name four influences that can affect health behavior:

  • 1. People

  • 2. Food

  • 3. Emotional Attitude

  • 4. Family

  • What is the difference between and advertisement and a commercial?

  • An Advertisement is trying to appeal to the public and a commercial is advertising itself... and stuff

  • What six behaviors can result from negative influences?

  • 1. doing drugs

  • 2. Not trying in school

  • 3. poor choices

  • 4. Going to fast food places ERRYDAY

  • What are advertisements designed to do?

  • Why is important to know how to analyze the influences in your life?

  • Who are the major influences in your life?

  • How can you prevent yourself from negative influences?